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Gilmour Set


The desirable Black Stratocaster* has sold for $5.7M





Clean intro then Fast Forward to 5:48 for overdrive solo



You can expect non-aged sound with Zero-Hum, longer sustain, minimized fret buzz and sound you'll love because it a Zero-Hum replication of your guitar God's DG sound.


Non-noiseless pickups in the Black Strat in 1979 were custom wound Seymour Duncan SSL1C bridge pickup (forerunner to current SSL5), Fender '71 neck and middle (source http://www.gilmourish.com/?page_id=66)

NOTE: It appears Fender disregarded the above info in their Gilmour TRIBUTE Black Strat which has a set of three Fender Fat 50's (non-noiseless).  


Our boxed set comprises Texas Jalapeno Extra (new version added 9-Mar-2020) bridge with Impersonator E56 middle and neck which is closer to the pickups of 1979.  We changed the bridge from Impersonator Fat 50 to Texas Jalapeno circa June-2019.  Include our K7 Goodbye Soldering Harness (or a K9) and you'll also have David Gilmours wiring mod which gives you an intense Telecaster funky c-lunky sound when mixing the bridge and neck pickups. 

These pickups will deliver all the sound you want with all the amazing benefits that only Kinman can offer.  For a start our low strength Alnico rod magnets promote sustain by reducing magnetic string pull -and- simultaneously reducing string crash which also shortens sustain by robbing energy from the vibrating strings when they crash into the frets.  This also makes the sound cleaner with less buzz and clatter.  And the best of all is Zero-Hum (noiseless).  These are the reasons Kinman Strat pickups are the Pure Musical Energy pickups. 

It must be borne in mind that our pickups are versatile and under different amplification environments and in the hands of different artists can deliver a wide range of sounds and that's the reason you'll see the same models included in various different Artist sets.

This set is our take on the Artists sound and is not intended to infer the artist uses these pickups, although some do.

News flash Apr-2021: Now with our new Synergy baseplate that allows switching off Hum Cancelling as well as switching to 'Synergy' mode.

Signal chain requirements for best tone:   As with ALL passive pickups it is a good plan to use a low capacitance cable to get the incredible Tone and dynamic performance of these pickups.  Learn why here Any old cable won't do

Some people will call these noiseless Stratocaster pickups but Kinman prefers to describe them correctly as Zero-Hum Stratocaster pickups.  That's because there are 2 types of noise, Hum which is cancelled in the pickup and Buzz which can only be minimized by shielding the wiring cavities (refer to >Technical >Perfect Guitar >Shielding for newer guitars

*Stratocaster and Strat* are a Trade Marks of Fender Musical Instrument Corp.  Kinman is not connected to Fender.

** Alnico-K is a unique proprietary rod magnet developed by Kinman in 1985.  It has 40% less string pull than Alnico-5 so sustain is longer and there is much less clatter from string crash and no Strat-itis string warble.

Technical & Application info:


  • Standard Kinman cover (without height extender bushings included). 
  • Available in White, Black, Aged White.
  • With or without Kinman logo.
  • White cover can be tinted with food stains such as Coffee and Tea.
  • Generic covers will not fit Kinman Strat pickups.  We sell replacement covers in three colors.

Connection means available

  • Bare wires for soldering.
  • Kinman connectors for plugging into any Kinman Goodbye-Soldering Harness.


Pot & Capacitor values

  • Best with 250k Ohm (measured minimum) volume pot.  Less punch and more bright with 500k.
  • Tone pot is usually the same value as the volume but for a little more top end brightness can be 500k, 1meg or a No-Load.
  • Stock pots can actually measure as low as 175k.  Pots in our Goodbye-Soldering Harness are guaranteed to measure no less that 250k.
  • Normal tone cap value of 0.022uF, 63 ~ 100 volt Polyester.  Smaller uF value lessen the severity of Treble cut, higher values increase it.
  • The voltage rating of Caps is not important but 63 ~ 100 volt have thicker lead wires that result in a neater job.

Magnet spreads we normally ship (ensures magnets align with the strings in each position)

  • Narrow 49.5mm
  • Intermediate 51mm
  • Standard 52.5mm
  • Option to specify your magnet spreads of sets and singles in our 'After-Order Supplementary Questions' email we send you.

Magnet Staggers

  • Normal improved Stagger to suit 7" ~ 14 inch uniform radius fretboards including USA Custom Guitar Compound 7-1/4" ~ 9-1/2
  • Flat Stagger 14" ~ 20" for specific compound radius fretboards (Warmoth 10 ~ 16 inch and Post 2010 Fender Deluxe 9 ~ 14")
  • Option to choose your magnet stagger for sets and singles in our 'After-Payment Supplementary Questions' email we send you.

Hook-up cable

  • 2 conductor shielded is standard.
  • Middle pickups when supplied with a K9, TK4 or TK9 harness have 3 conductor shielded.
  • 3 conductor by request with Order.
  • Custom lengths by request with Order.

Output Polarity: 

  • in-phase with Gibson and Copy humbuckers
  • in-phase with all other Kinman pickups
  • opposite phase to Fender Strat

Mounting hardware included

  • 2 Pan head mounting screws.
  • 2 Silicon Rubber tube springs.

We highly recommend consulting the Install Guide in the Technical section even if you think you know it all.  Kinmans' require specialized knowledge and sometimes there is updated info.  There is also a handy wiring diagram available.

We also highly recommend consulting the Adjust & Set-up page in the Technical section so you get the best out of your Kinman pickups.